After the August Summer recess we invite you to join us religious and lay Carmelites in living the spiritual Carmelite calling. At the Priory we do not only organize religious activities but also formative and cultural moments which enrich us. Therefore we encourage you to visit our website to be informed about the activities for […]
CONTINUE READINGWara l-pawsa tas-Sajf f’Awissu qed nipproponulkom u nistednukom tkomplu tieħdu sehem fil-ħajja tal-Kunvent flimkien magħna r-reliġjużi u l-lajċi li nispiraw irwieħna mis-sejħa spiritwali Karmelitana. Kif tafu dan nagħmluh mhux biss b’attivitajiet reliġjużi imma wkoll b’dawk formattivi u kulturali. Għaldaqstant inħeġġukom biex iżżuru s-sit elettroniku tagħna sabiex ikollkom ħjiel tal-attivitajiet maħsubin għal dan l-istaġun. Infakkrukom fl-appuntament […]
CONTINUE READINGAnother important liturgical cycle is approaching: the Season of Lent marking the start of an intensive preparation for the Paschal Mystery of Christ. During Lent we are encouraged to take more seriously our Christian duties of prayer, simple and sober lifestyle, and growth in Charity through being more attentive to others in their needs. Although […]