Despite the present COVID-19 pandemic, we are cautiously offering, as usual, a programme of religious and spiritual events wherein we friars share our Carmelite Life and Charism with you. As most of you are aware although from last March we had to cancel all onsite programmed events, we have kept contact with you through our daily online mass and online meetings for the Third Order, Spiritual Direction and pastoral assistance for those who requested our support. We also tried to have online sessions of Christian meditation, but unfortunately, it did not work. Although our contact was kept minimal, however, you were all present in our thoughts and prayers. We really missed your presence which along with us friars kept the Priory bubbling with life, sharing and adequate space for prayer, reflection and community building in the Risen Christ. It is our hope that the long COVID-19 pause is purifying us all, inviting us to focus on what is essential in our lives whilst thrusting us into the future with renewed energy.
CONTINUE READINGDespite the present COVID-19 pandemic, we are cautiously offering, as usual, a programme of religious and spiritual events wherein we friars share our Carmelite Life and Charism with you. As most of you are aware although from last March we had to cancel all onsite programmed events, we have kept contact with you through our daily online mass and online meetings for the Third Order, Spiritual Direction and pastoral assistance for those who requested our support. We also tried to have online sessions of Christian meditation, but unfortunately, it did not work. Although our contact was kept minimal, however, you were all present in our thoughts and prayers. We really missed your presence which along with us friars kept the Priory bubbling with life, sharing and adequate space for prayer, reflection and community building in the Risen Christ. It is our hope that the long COVID-19 pause is purifying us all, inviting us to focus on what is essential in our lives whilst thrusting us into the future with renewed energy.
CONTINUE READINGCarmelite Institute Malta is yet again organising a year of day-seminars and lectures aimed at deepening our understanding of Christian Spirituality. In dialogue with local and international current affairs, the day seminars will address various issues by which the Institute wishes to contribute a fruitful contribution. All events below are open to the general public […]
CONTINUE READINGWaslet il-festa tat-Twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu. Kif ħejjejna ruħna fi żmien l-Avvent b’diversi attivitajiet fosthom l-irtir tal-Avvent, il-wirja pros ton theon kif ukoll bil-laqgħat tal-Lectio Divina u t-taħriġ fil-Meditazzjoni Nisranija nistednukom tkomplu tieħdu sehem fid-diversi attivitajiet marbuta maż-żmien tal-Milied. Kif ilkoll tafu fil-Karmnu tal-Imdina mhux biss ikollna spazju għal attivitajiet reliġjużi u liturġiċi iżda […]
CONTINUE READINGAfter the August Summer recess we invite you to join us religious and lay Carmelites in living the spiritual Carmelite calling. At the Priory we do not only organize religious activities but also formative and cultural moments which enrich us. Therefore we encourage you to visit our website to be informed about the activities for […]
CONTINUE READINGWara l-pawsa tas-Sajf f’Awissu qed nipproponulkom u nistednukom tkomplu tieħdu sehem fil-ħajja tal-Kunvent flimkien magħna r-reliġjużi u l-lajċi li nispiraw irwieħna mis-sejħa spiritwali Karmelitana. Kif tafu dan nagħmluh mhux biss b’attivitajiet reliġjużi imma wkoll b’dawk formattivi u kulturali. Għaldaqstant inħeġġukom biex iżżuru s-sit elettroniku tagħna sabiex ikollkom ħjiel tal-attivitajiet maħsubin għal dan l-istaġun. Infakkrukom fl-appuntament […]
CONTINUE READINGReġa’ qorob ċiklu ieħor liturġiku importanti: Ir-Randan. Dan huwa żmien li jimmarka l-bidu ta’ tħejjija preparazzjoni intensiva għall- Misteru tal-Għid ta’ Ġesù Kristu. Fir-Randan aħna mħeġġin biex nieħdu aktar bis-serjetà d-dmirijiet tagħna ta’ Nsara fl-għixien tal-ħajja ta ‘ talb, u fi stil ta’ ħajja sempliċi, u fil-maturazzjoni tal-Imħabba permezz ta’ iktar attenzjoni għall-oħrajn fil-ħtiġijiet tagħhom. […]
CONTINUE READINGAnother important liturgical cycle is approaching: the Season of Lent marking the start of an intensive preparation for the Paschal Mystery of Christ. During Lent we are encouraged to take more seriously our Christian duties of prayer, simple and sober lifestyle, and growth in Charity through being more attentive to others in their needs. Although […]