Feast of St Thérèse de Lisieux

By Carmelite Priory Mdina | in:
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    Carmelite Church Mdina
  • Date :

    Sunday 28th September - Wednesday 1st October 2014
  • Time :

    See programme below

The Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. Therese, the Little Flower, on October 1st each year. This date was chosen because Therese died on September 30th. Following the ancient custom of celebrating their entrance into heaven the next day, October 1st was chosen as the day to celebrate Therese’s life and eternity. Some people may remember that her Feast Day was previously October 3rd. That date was established for several reasons, including a packed liturgical calendar. In the liturgical renewal of the 1970’s, when the calendar of saints was updated and refined, St. Therese’s feast was properly moved to the more appropriate October 1st date. It is interesting to note that St. Therese’s home Church in France celebrates her Feast Day on the last Saturday of September, no matter what the date.

St Thérèse de LisieuxCitation – Society of the Little Flower


The Carmelite Priory Mdina will celebrate the Feast as follows:

Sunday 28 to Tuesday 30 September
Triduum in preparation for the feast.

 6.30 am – Matins (will include readings from Thérèse’s texts)
7 am – Mass (with a short homily.)

Tuesday 30 September
7:00 pm – First Vespers

Wednesday 1 October
Feast day

 6.30 am Matins and Lauds at
7 am Mass (blessing of roses)
5 pm Meditative Rosary
5.30 pm Mass and Adoration with the celebration of Vespers

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