"The commitment to live a deep relationship with Christ and to conform to him is therefore the very core of our Carmelite formation." (RIVC 6)
The Carmelite Priory is committed to the formation of the whole person through the offering of courses, seminars, workshops, etc… In our understanding, formation is an attitude; it enables us to allow personal and communal transformation with the help of God’ grace. The Carmelite Priory reaches this aim by offering its space for various initiatives, of which:
- The Carmelite Institute Malta has its premises in the priory;;
- The upkeep of the Priory’s historical archives and library which are made available to researchers and the general public (see:;
- Organising and/or hosting of seminars and public talks, book launches; and,
- Promoting research and publications, etc…
Titus Brandsma Circle
A study circle inspired by a Dutch Carmelite Friar, Catholic Priest and Professor of Philosophy.

The Titus Brandsma Circle seeks to bring together readers of Christian spiritual texts; to uphold, motivate, and heighten awareness in contemporary society of Spiritual Wisdom. Inspired by the Carmelite fascination of the mystical empty space, the Titus Brandsma Circle aims at fostering a space for interfaith dialogue irrespective of age, gender, race, ethnicity and religion. In this regard, the Circle is not restricted to the Catholic and Carmelite tradition, but is also open to other Christian denominations and other religious and spiritual traditions wherein adherents share within the context of reciprocal friendship for mutual enrichment and understanding.
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Spiritual Direction
“Carmel teaches the Church how to pray.”
(Pope Benedict XVI)
Carmelites do not put too much emphasis on particular forms of prayer. Our spiritual tradition is more focused on prayer life, namely, our relationship with God. In the spiritual path we do not journey alone, but within the community of the friends of God who support us in our journey. Spiritual direction or accompaniment provides a privileged space of support and guidance in the personal way towards a deep, intimate, and transformative relationship with God.
At the Carmelite Priory, friars are engaged in the ministry of spiritual direction to those who are searching or wish to deepen their experience with God. For more information do not hesitate to contact us.
Carmelite Institute
The Priory is the seat of the Carmelite Institute Malta, founded on 4 October 2008. The Institute originated from a collaborative effort of the Maltese Carmelite Province and of the Maltese Province of Discalced Carmelites to promote in Malta the study of Carmelite spirituality and tradition. Its main goal is to offer courses in Carmelite spirituality and Mariology on various levels. The Institute cooperates with the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta to offer an MA programme in Spirituality. Students enrolled in this programme may opt to specialize in Carmelite Spirituality. In collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute the Institute offers formation programmes in Spirituality.
Below you can view various posters from our past seminars and workshops. For our upcoming seminars please click here. If you wish to get informed about our future events then make sure to become a Friend of the Priory to receive our monthly online newsletter.