A selection of recordings from the Tea Time Concerts in Mdina All Tea Time Concerts are part of a wider campaign to raise funds for the restoration of the priceless Baroque organ currently housed in the church. This campaign has already seen several local artists contribute to this cause, but a lot more is needed […]
CONTINUE READINGTwelve participants came together for a retreat entitled, “In Search of the Beloved”, at the start of Advent. The retreat included time for personal meditation, community prayer and moments of group sharing. Below we are sharing a reflection by Fr Charlo Camilleri on Genesis 22 – ‘The command to sacrifice Isaac ‘ The podcast can […]
CONTINUE READINGOpening Speech Pavel Aleksandrovich Florenskij, aktarx l-ikbar ħassieb u xjenzat Russu tas-Seklu 20… Qassis magħsur u maqtul brutalment flimkien ma’ elf ruħ oħra mir- Reġim Bolxevista ta’ Stalin li fuq il-linji Marxisti u Leninjani kien jemmen li l-fidi u r-reliġjon huma oppju u torta fl-arja, jipprofetizza li ż-żmien il-ġdid, il-ġejjieni, se jkun ritorn lejn iż-Żminijiet tan-Nofs. B’xorti ħażina, […]
CONTINUE READINGBodies of Text Good evening. It is a pleasure for us to welcome you all at the Carmelite Priory for the inauguration of Gordon Pace Flores’ Bodies of text in this beautifully austere Carmelite cloister. Although I have no intention of repeating what’s written in the brochure, I will start my short reflection by quoting the de-scription: The […]