Did you know that:
Both honey and the honey bee were always value metaphors and symbols in the spiritual life. Scriptures and monastic life present the busy bee as symbols and metaphors of higher values. In the Middle Ages, the word Carmelus denoted sweetness of honey. As from the 13th century Carmelites were compared to honey bees working on spiritual honey in their cells through spiritual meditation of the Word of God. The Rule expects us to “ponder day and night on the Word of the Lord”. Like a bee nurturing on flowers the Carmelite turns onto the Word of God daily to collect the sweetness and flavour of the spiritual life.
At the Mdina Carmelite, on March 15 from 10am to 4pm we will revive again the ancient tradition of beekeeping at the Priory. During the Bee Day one can see a demonstration hive full of bees working out honeycombs and producing honey; the tools used; the typical Maltese qolol still preserved at the Priory.
Kont taf li:
In-naħla u l-għasel ukoll dejjem kellhom valur fil-ħajja spiritwali. Kemm fil-Bibbja u kemm fil-ħajja reliġjuża u monastika, in-naħla bieżla u l-għasel bnin isiru simboli u metafori ta’ valuri għolja. Fiż-Żminijiet tan-Nofs, il-kelma Carmelus kienet tfisser għasel ħlejju u sa’ mill-bidu l-Karmelitani ġew imqabblin ma’ naħal li jaħdem l-għasel spiritwali fiċ-ċelel permezz tal-meditazzjoni tal-Kelma ta’ Alla. Ir-Regola tistenna minna li “lejl u nhar naħsbu fuq il-Kelma tal-Mulej”. Bħal naħla fuq warda il-Karmelitan idur fuq il-Kelma ta’ Alla biex jiġbor minnha il-ħlewwa u l-benna tagħha ftit ftit kuljum.
Fil-Karmnu tal-Mdina, nhar il-15 ta’ Marzu, mill-10am sat-3pm nerġgħu induqu it-tradizzjoni antika tat-trobbija tan-naħal tal-kunvent f’Jum in-Naħla Maltija, li fiha wieħed ikun jista’ jara kaxxa tan-naħal u l-istess naħal jaħdem ix-xehed u l-għasel, l-għodda li tintuża, il-qolol tipiċi Maltin li għadna nsibuhom fil-kunvent, u taħdit ukoll fuq in-naħla u l-ħajja spiritwali.
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