Nhar it-Tnejn 23 ta’ Dicembru fis-6.30pm, b’kollaborazzjoni flimkien tal-Arcipriet, il-Karmelitani fl-Imdina u l-Kunsill Lokali se ssir il-purcissjoni tal-Bambin fl-Imdina. Nibdew u nispicca fil-Knisja tal-Karmnu. Wara l-purcissjoni jkollna l-prietka tat-tifel. Inheggukom tiehdu sehem, specjalment it-tfal.
We would like to inform you that on Monday 23rd December a procession with Baby Jesus will be held in the streets of Mdina. The procession which is being organised by the Archpriest and the Priory of the Carmelite Convent with the help and cooperation of the Local Council will leave the Carmelite Church at 6:30pm. The procession will be accompanied by a small component of the Citizens Band Isle Adam from Rabat of Mdina.
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