Known as the poet of peace, Lebanese writer and artist Kahlil Gibran left us a remarkable collection of literary works imbued with much political and spiritual intensity.
His style has influenced modern Arabic literature, and his English compositions have remained inspirational to this day. His much loved pieces in English include The Prophet and The Madman.
The Carmelite Priory is holding a seminar wherein the complex life and spiritual message of Kahlil Gibran will be examined.
It aims to present the basic features surrounding the poet’s artistic gifts, and how his enigmatic message has been inclined and passed on. Lectures will be delivered in English by Rev. Dr Charlò Camilleri, O.Carm and Mr Christopher Bezzina.
The seminar’s programme can be downloaded from here
This seminar hopes to introduce participants with the ability to:
The seminar will focus on three literary works, The Prophet, The Broken Wings and Nymphs of the Valley. An in-depth analysis of these literary works will bind us with Gibran’s panoramic compassion for all creation and conjoin with his message for peace and reconciliation.
The seminar’s programme can be downloaded from here
Interested participants for this seminar are invited to email on or phone on 79791881. This is not a residential seminar, and participants can opt to come to parts of the seminar.
Those who wish, can also ask to have this module accredited by being assessed. This module is accredited by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education, through the Pastoral Formation Institute. Containing a total of 28 hours, it is worth 4 ECTS. In order to qualify for the formal accreditation of this seminar, attendance during the weekend is obligatory.
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