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Carmelite Priory - Mdina - Malta
Date :
Saturday 5th April 2014
Time :

Workshop Information
The workshops, each of which is restricted to around 8 participants, will be each facilitated by a different facilitator who will invite participants to share their stories of flowers and the use of herbs on the theme of the workshop. These stories will be used by the facilitator to compile a general narrative. The narratives and photography of the workshops will be reproduced at the Carmelite Priory in Mdina during the closing photographic exhibition of the project.
The workshops will be attended by a professional photographer, who will take pictures of the workshop, unless advised otherwise by the participants. In the compilation of narratives, the anonymity of each participant will be ensured.
Upcoming Workshop
5th April – Talba Wokshop on flowers & herbs in religious rituals and worship, facilitated by Fr.Glen Attard and Fr. Charlo Camilleri
10th May – Namur Workshop on flowers & herbs in courtship, love affairs and marriages, facilitated by Mr. Censu Caruana
21st June – Demgha Workshop on flowers & herbs in funerals and other losses, facilitated by Dr. Maria Pisani
26th July – Qawmien Workshop on flowers & herbs in beauty, relaxation and revitalization of the self, the other and relationships, facilitated by Ms. Lou Ghirlando
Project Information
Ħwawar u Fjuri is a project run by Integra Foundation in collaboration with the Carmelite Priory in Mdina with funds awarded under the President’s Creativity Award. Proġett Ħwawar u Fjuri desires to create a space were Maltese and migrants can meet each other and ‘get to know the other’ through the narration of stories on the use of herbs and flowers in one’s own country and culture of origin.
Proġett Ħwawar u Fjuri,
Integra, 124,
St. Ursula street,
Valletta, Malta
Email: hwawar.fjuri@gmail.com
Website: http://hwawarfjuri.wordpress.com

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