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    Carmelite Church Mdina
  • Date :

    29nd March 2015
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    Free Entrance

The Evangelists give us detailed information on the last moments of the life of Jesus Christ. The different narrations of the four Gospels created “the passion of Christ ” that integrates together the different details given by the evangelists in their accounts. A typical example of this are the Last Seven Words of the agonising Christ on the cross. These seven last phrases are composed of Jesus’ final utterings as reported by the evangelists and molded together by popular devotion. The Last Seven Words have become a source of inspiration to artistic , literary and musical performances and expressions. On March 29, the Carmelite Church in Mdina will be hosting a Haydn’s interpretation of the Seven Last Words of Christ Music and the recital of the words held as ipsissima VERBA Christi will help us to get into the spirit of Holy Week through the meditation on the Sorrowful Passion and Death of Our Lord .

Entrance is free . All donations go to the restoration of 17th century organ located in the Church .

L-Evanġelisti kollha jagħtuna b’dettal fin l-aħħar mumenti tal-ħajja ta’ Ġesù Kristu fostna. Il-ġrajja msensla f’kull vanġelu ħolqot “ħajja ta’ Kristu” li tiġbir flimkien id-dettalji, mhux dejjem relatati flimkien, li jagħtun l-evanġelisti fir-rakkonti tagħhom. Każ tipiku ta’ dan huma s-Seba’ Kelmiet ta’ Kristu fuq is-salib, li huma l-ġabra flimkien tal-kliem ta’ Ġesù kif rappurtat mill-evanġelisti u magħġun flimkien mid-devozzjoni popolari. Is-Seba’ Kelmiet saru tema artistika, letterarja u mużikali. Nhar Ħadd-il Palm, 29 ta’ Marzu fil-Knisja tal-Karmnu fl-Imdina se jittella’ kunċert tal-Aħħar Seba’ Kelmiet ta’ Kristu skont l-interpretazzjoni tal-kompożitur Haydn. Mużika u qari tal-Kelmiet meqjusin ipsissima verba Christi jgħinuna nidħlu fil-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa bil-meditazzjoni dwar il-Passjoni Mbierka u l-Mewt Qaddisa ta’ Sidna.

Dħul b’xejn. Kull donazzjoni tmur għar-restawr tal-orgni tas-seklu 17 li jinsab fil-Knisja.


The name Cordia quartet, is derived from the Latin ‘Cordia-Hearts’ with phonetical maltese overtones ‘Korda – String’. It is the aim of the quartet to establish upon it’s audience, the ambience of concordance in harmony and the idea of a whole harmony deriving from four different instruments. The quartet has been prolific in all the concerts performed so far. Concerts have featured music from Baroque era at prestigious venues which fit the sonority of the epoch such as the Inquisitors Palace in Vittoriosa, Palazzo Parisio, Mediterranean Conference Centre and a number of churches. Cordia’s repertoire is vast and wide going back from Baroque to contemporary music. Cordia has also represented Malta in India in 2012 playing classical concerts in New Delhi and Calcutta. Cordia quartet plays at official statal dinners and receptions and have been asked to perform on Austria’s national day, August moonball event and other Gala dinners hosting distinguished guests such presidents of states and prime ministers. Cordia has just released it’s first album featuring Tango music by the name of ‘Jealousie’.

Cordia quartet

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