Fil-kalendarju liturġiku Karmelitan illum niċċelebraw il-Festa tal-Arkanġlu Gabrijel. Din il-Festa li daħlet fil-Kalendarju Ruman fl-1921, bir-Riforma konċiljari ġiet trasferita għal nhar San Mikiel, fid-29 ta’ Settembru sabiex l-Arkanġli Mikiel, Rafel u Gabrijel jiġu ċċelebrati flimkien. Fil-Karmnu tal-Mdina niċċelebraw xorta lil San Gabrijel fil-jum proprju tiegħu, lejliet it-Tħabbira tal-Mulej fil-25 ta’ Marzu. Gabrijel huwa wieħed mill-Arkanġli […]
CONTINUE READINGThe Carmelite community at Mdina wish to convey to all a blessed Saint Valentine feast. May the God of Love shower upon us, especially on all couples, perseverance in true love. Saint Valentine, Bishop and Martyr is buried beneath the Carmelite Basilica in Terni, Rome. Some of his relics were transferred to Whitefriars (Carmelites) Shrine […]
CONTINUE READINGSaturday 14 December 2013 – Feast of St John of the Cross At the Carmelite Priory Mdina. 6.40am Solemn Morning Prayers, 7.00am Solemn Eucharist with homily, 13.00 Office of Readings and Midday Prayers. The first disciples of St. John of the Cross, unaffected by the scholasticism which was to prevail afterward, follow his Trinitarian schema. […]