Hija drawwa monastika u konventwali li waqt l-ikel fir-Refettorju jinqraw il-Kotba Mqaddsa u testi spiritwali oħra. Matul ir-Randan, għall-ħin tal-ikel ta’ nofsinhar aħna r-reliġjużi inkomplu naqraw il-Kotba Mqaddsa bħal matul is-sena waqt li għall-ikel ta’ filgħaxija se naqraw fir-Refettorju l-Imitazzjoni ta’ Kristu, kitba tas-seklu 15, aktarx miktub fl-1418, minn ċertu wieħed Tumas minn Kempis u […]
CONTINUE READINGThe Carmelite Priory Mdina is happy to share the following book entitled “Carmelite Mysticism Historical Sketches” by Titus Brandsma, O.Carm. The Carmelite Press, Darien, Illinois, 1986.
CONTINUE READINGThe Constitutions of the Carmelite Order stand as an expression of the ideals and spirit of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Foundational sources for the Constitutions include the desert hermit vocation as exemplified in the life of the Prophet Elijah. For the Carmelite the contemplative vocation is exemplified par excellence in the […]
CONTINUE READINGThe Carmelite Directory of the Spiritual Life We are happy to publish a free copy of ‘The Carmelite Directory of the Spiritual Life‘, translated from the Latin version entitled ‘Directorium Carmelitarum Vitae Spiritualis‘ by Joannes a Cruce Brenninger O.Carm Download the book from here