Another important liturgical cycle is approaching: the Season of Lent marking the start of an intensive preparation for the Paschal Mystery of Christ. During Lent we are encouraged to take more seriously our Christian duties of prayer, simple and sober lifestyle, and growth in Charity through being more attentive to others in their needs. Although these should be the three pillars of Christian life throughout the year, during Lent, we live them in the context of meditating what Jesus Christ endured for us and for our salvation in the oblative gift of self in suffering of the Passion and Death, as well as in the glorious mystery of the Resurrection from the Dead.
As usual, at the Priory spiritual and physical spaces are provided for those who wish to participate in a Carmelite way of experiencing Lent. As usual, this year we will celebrate the feast of the Holy Face of Christ on Shrove Tuesday, on February 17 and starting from Ash Wednesday on February 18, we will be having the Via Crucis every Wednesday, at 5.00pm till Spy Wednesday in Holy Week.
From 6 to 8 March, we will be organizing a Carmelite Retreat for couples at the Lunzjata Retreat House in Rabat, in collaboration with the Carmelite Couples’ Spirituality Group OASI. Lenten talks (Eżerċizzi) will follow suit from 9 to 13 March at 6.30pm in Church. On Wednesdays, starting on February 25, we will be offering also a series of four Catechetical sessions on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, at 8pm, wherein friars will be available also for confessions. Lectio Divina will be on as usual on the third Saturday and fourth Friday of February and March. There are also two seminars on Contemplation and on Prayer Life according to St Teresa of Jesus.
Other events include the feast of Saint Joseph and our Church’s titular feast of the Annunciation on March 25. We will be having also a Maltese Bee day at the Priory on Sunday 15th March, with the possibility of observing a demonstration beehive, listening how the art of bee-keeping can be spiritual experience, and other interesting activities during the day.
We kindly encourage you to keep in touch with the Priory by visiting our home, or browsing our website and Facebook page and why not? … by participating in the life of the Priory.
The Carmelite friars
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[…] qorob ċiklu ieħor liturġiku importanti: Ir-Randan. Dan huwa żmien li jimmarka l-bidu ta’ tħejjija preparazzjoni intensiva għall- Misteru […]
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