Despite the present COVID-19 pandemic, we are cautiously offering, as usual, a programme of religious and spiritual events wherein we friars share our Carmelite Life and Charism with you. As most of you are aware although from last March we had to cancel all onsite programmed events, we have kept contact with you through our daily online mass and online meetings for the Third Order, Spiritual Direction and pastoral assistance for those who requested our support. We also tried to have online sessions of Christian meditation, but unfortunately, it did not work. Although our contact was kept minimal, however, you were all present in our thoughts and prayers. We really missed your presence which along with us friars kept the Priory bubbling with life, sharing and adequate space for prayer, reflection and community building in the Risen Christ. It is our hope that the long COVID-19 pause is purifying us all, inviting us to focus on what is essential in our lives whilst thrusting us into the future with renewed energy.
CONTINUE READINGDespite the present COVID-19 pandemic, we are cautiously offering, as usual, a programme of religious and spiritual events wherein we friars share our Carmelite Life and Charism with you. As most of you are aware although from last March we had to cancel all onsite programmed events, we have kept contact with you through our daily online mass and online meetings for the Third Order, Spiritual Direction and pastoral assistance for those who requested our support. We also tried to have online sessions of Christian meditation, but unfortunately, it did not work. Although our contact was kept minimal, however, you were all present in our thoughts and prayers. We really missed your presence which along with us friars kept the Priory bubbling with life, sharing and adequate space for prayer, reflection and community building in the Risen Christ. It is our hope that the long COVID-19 pause is purifying us all, inviting us to focus on what is essential in our lives whilst thrusting us into the future with renewed energy.
CONTINUE READINGThe first World Meeting of Families (WMOF) took place in Rome in 1994 (October), with the theme: The Family: The heart of the civilization of love. St John Paul II wished to start an international event of prayer, catechesis and celebration that would draw participants from around the globe and that would help to strengthen […]
CONTINUE READINGGħeżież ħbieb, Illum bdejna għal darb’oħra l-mixja mill-ġdid tar-Randan, iż-żmien li fih aħna mistednin induru ftit dawra magħna nfusna u nevalwaw ftit fejn ninsabu fil-ħajja tagħna ta’ bnedmin ta’ fidi f’Alla bħala dixxipli ta’ Ġesù Kristu. Għar-Randan ta’ din is-sena il-Papa Franġisku, bħal dejjem, bagħat il-messaġġ tiegħu għar-Randan bit-tema “Joktor il-ħażen, u għalhekk l-imħabba tibred […]
CONTINUE READINGIllum nibdew żmien qawwi fil-mixja tagħna wara Kristu. Iż-żmien tar-Randan ifakkarna l-ewwelnett li aħna mexjin wara Sidna Ġesù bħala dixxipli tiegħu. Proprju f’din il-mixja, r-Randan huwa żmien ta’ grazzja għax irid jagħtina l-istrutturi li jgħinuna nsaħħu din il-mixja tagħna wara Kristu… Kristu Msallab. L-istrutturi jew il-pilastri li fuqhom iżomm ir-Randan huma l-istess li jżommu l-ħajja […]
CONTINUE READINGOn Wednesday 1 November 2017, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna celebrated Mass at the Feast of All Saints, during which marked the closure of the diocesan process for the cause of beatification of the Servant of God Fr Fenech Avertan, Carmelite.
CONTINUE READINGGħeżież ħbieb, Wasal fi tmiemu l-istaġun tas-Sajf u wara l-waqfa ta’ Awissu l-Karmnu tal-Imdina qiegħed iniedi l-programm għal din is-sena li bħas-soltu jinkludi attivitajiet Liturġiċi, spiritwali u formattivi. Mehmuż ma’ din l-ittre għandkom issibu d-dati għal-laqgħat tal-Lectio Divina, il-Laqgħat tat-Titus Brandsma Circle, u l-Laqgħat tat-Terz Ordni Karmelitan. Għandkom issibu wkoll il-Programm tal-Korsijietoffruti mill-Istitut Karmelitan li għandu […]
CONTINUE READINGDin is-sena qegħdin niċċelebraw l-ewwel ċentenarju mid-dehriet tal-Madonna ġewwa Fatima. Kulħadd jaf bir-relazzjoni li teżisti bejn id-devozzjoni Marjana-Karmelitana u d-dehriet ta’ Fatima. Luċija, li aktar tard saret soru Karmelitana Tereżjana, kemm-il darba stqarret li waqt l-aħħar dehra, fit-13 ta’ Ottubru 1917, wara li rat lill-Madonna kif kienet tarha s-soltu, ratha wkoll flimkien ma’ San Ġużepp […]
CONTINUE READINGQARI TAL-JUM Dan 3, 25.34-43 Salm 24 (25), 4bċ-5ab.6-7bċ.8-9 Mt 18, 21-35 OMELIJA Diffiċli ħafna l-maħfra! Il-maħfra vera u mill-qalb, il-maħfra perfetta u sħiħa (dik hi t-tifsira tas-77 darba), li tirrifletti l-maħfra ta’ Alla hija forsi l-iktar aspett diffiċli tal-messaġġ Nisrani. Għax aħna nonqsu lil xulxin ta’ kuljum. U forsi hawn jinsab is-sigriet li jagħmilha […]
CONTINUE READINGQARI TAL-JUM Iż 1, 10.16-20 Salm 49 (50), 8-9.16bċ-17.21 u 23 Mt 23, 1-12 OMELIJA Sodoma u Gomorra fil-Kotba Mqaddsa huma l-ibliet li fil-Ġenesi nsibu r-rakkont tal-qerda tagħhom għax mhux talli ma’ laqgħux il-qaddejja ta’ Alla, l-anġli tiegħu, u allura lil Alla nnifsu, iżda ttantaw jagħmlu dak li riedu jabbużaw bihom. Lot isalva għax hu […]