Nhar l-Erbgħa 6 ta’ Awwissu 2014, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. iltaqa’ mal-kappillani gewwa il-Kunvent tal-Karmelitani, l-Imdina, fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ San Ġwann Vianney, il-qaddis patrun tas-saċerdoti, magħruf ukoll bħala il-Kurat t’Ars. Wara ħin ta’ talb flimkien u dawra mal-kunvent, l-Arcisqof u l-kappillani ingħaqdu flimkien għall-ikel. (Sit originali)
CONTINUE READINGMeta wieħed jidħol fi Knisja Karmelitana fi żmien il-festa jsib armati fuq l-altar par “oġġetti” strambi qishom imriewaħ kbar, tar-rix tal-pagun (ta’ veru jew mistħajjel) jew tal-ostrich. Qed nirreferi hawnhekk ghall-“Flabelli”, kelma Latina li tfisser fil-fatt “Imriewaħ”. Dawn l-Imriewaħ li jintużaw fil-Liturgija Karmelitana nsibuhom ukoll fir-Rit Dumnikan u l-għeruq tagħhom insibuh fil-liturġija tal-Lvant li mill-Art […]
CONTINUE READINGIn today’s society there is a growing interest for a deeper understanding of spirituality. In trying to respond to the needs of individuals, the Faculty of Theology is offering a course that helps students to acquire a holistic perception of life and of the human person, and to value the contribution of spirituality to the […]
CONTINUE READINGStedina biex niehdu sehem fic-celebrazzjonijiet religjuzi fil-festa tal-Karmnu fl-Imdina. 10 ta’ Lulju 2014: Ftuħ tan-Novena bi tħejjija għall-festa tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu fl-Imdina. 6.30 am Rużarju 6.45 am Tifħir ta’ Sbiħ-il Jum 7.00 am Quddiesa 5.00 pm Rużarju 5.30 pm Quddiesa tan-Novena Kurunella tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu Barka Sagramentali Flos Carmeli Innu popolari tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu fl-Imdina Talba lill-Madonna tal-Karmnu […]
CONTINUE READINGThe Third Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel is formed by lay people who, in response to a call from God promise to live the Gospel in the spirit of the Carmelite Order and under its guidance. The Third Order, or Secular Carmelite Order comprises both lay people, and secular clergy, who find in the Carmelite charism […]
CONTINUE READINGA continuous flow of people entering and exiting our Church, humming prayers, kneeling, surprised that the Church’s lights are off, even at the altar of Repose… it’s darkness is only broken by the gentle sanctuary lamp in keeping with the liturgical norms. Some feel the need to ask why lights are off even at altar […]
CONTINUE READINGIs-Smiegħ tal-Kelma ta’ Alla u r-riflessjoni dwar ħajjitna huma parti essenzjali mill-mixja tar-Randan. Fil-Karmnu tal-Mdina, apparti s-smiegħ attent tal-Kelma ta’ Alla kuljum fil-komunita’, matul ir-Randan nidħlu aktar fil-fond tas-smiegħ tal-Kelma ta’ Alla għall-konverżjoni tagħna billi 1. matul ir-Randan fil-komunita’ tinżamm id-drawwa monastika li jinqara kuljum mill-patrijiet “Is-Sellum tal-Perfezzjoni” ta’ San Ġwann Klimaku. Inħeġġukom tissieħbu magħna […]
CONTINUE READING“when honey bees dance waggling provocative tail… queen bee smiles sweetly” John Freeman Workshop Invitation What if we met to exchange our stories, be they personal, ethnic, cultural, spiritual or traditional, on the use of herbs and flowers? We, at the Proġett Ħwawar u Fjuri, want to invite you just for that! Join us at […]
CONTINUE READINGFrom the Priory’s archives we learn that in 1669 masons were constructing the Church’s bell tower. It seems that from the start the bell tower suffered damages, since records show that in 1683 masons were paid for bringing new stone blocks for the bell tower. The bell tower suffered slight damages from the 1693 earthquake […]
CONTINUE READINGJoin us this Sunday at 16:30hrs at the Carmelite Church in Mdina for the BACH ROAD JOURNEY, a recital of works for solo violin tracing the composers who greatly influenced JS Bach before he wrote the famous Sonatas and Partitas for unaccompanied violin, and the composers that wrote unaccompanied works for violin who were in […]